Day 2

1:11 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
(i wrote this out and it fucked up and now i got to write it out all over again! GAH!)

anyways. basically i was just saying how i am out of the little game on whyeat. i ate today because im a failure. what i ate was 1 slice of pizza (fuck eh! i predicted that last night did i not!), 2 cookies, a ricecake and a salad! fat fat fat. BUT since i didnt eat yesturday i shouldnt have gained from this. if anything it should help keep my metabolism going. so im still debating on weather i should beat myself up over it or just let it slide...
of course im still going to feel a little guilty all day though.
im disgusting! i know i know you can say it!

so much for "who needs food anyways" apparently MY FAT ASSS DOES!

but funny story. well not necessarily "funny" but still worth a share. Today at school my teacher took us out to buy us fries and he offers me something and i say "nah" (once again im the only one not eating) and he says "Let me feel your hands" so i let him and he says "They are FREEZING! you know what thats from! NOT EATING! you havent eaten for 2 days" and i say "How the hell do you know school is only from 9-1 i eat when i go home"
hahaha stupidass.

anyways. im starting to feel like shit knowing i ate all that gross food. sure i didnt binge but all the stuff i DID eat was disgustingly unhealthy...minus the salad.
Tonight im going to excersise and tomorrow im going to fast again and then start eating just a salad a day like i didnt to drop those 10lbs earlier.
OH YAH! i was 102.6lbs this morning :D i hope tomorrow its the same or atleast no more then 103. eek.
(hmm..what else did i write before it fucked up..)

well thats all for now i suppose.
im STILL debating if is hould feel like shit or not! what do you guys think? should i let it slide or...
honesty please. i can take it ;)

"Watch her wither away and remember all the times you called her fat"
Thanks mom,grandma and brother!