Day one.

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Well on the whyeat forum we have started a little "game" i guess you could call it. there are 15 participants and the rules are simple. no food. first one to eat is out. and today is day 1!
so far so good. ive had 2 Coke Zeros and im drinking a Pepsi Max at the moment and im STUFFED. today at "School" we had a little christmas dinner there was SO much food; Turkey,Stuffing,Mashed Potatoes,Broccoli,Carrots,Cupcakes,Brownies,Cakes! EVERYTHING and i was the only one not eating! hahah awkward much!
but oh well! i feel great!
also dont you just hate when people make anorexic comments, not just about you but other people. i mean, my principle was invited to the dinner and she had a tiny plate of food and my friend says "What the fuck, is she anorexic or something" and in my head im like "bitch please, anorexics dont eat that much!". but i just laughed of course.

This morning it literally took me from 8:00 untill 9:30 to find some clothes to wear today. i looked huge in everything. i have these days way to much lately. i ripped out basically everything from my closet and was like "my arms look to fat" "my stomach sticks out to much" "my thighs look huge!" nothing looked good! i ended up just wearing black jeans and a baggy sweater to cover my thighs!
but overall im in a good mood today :) and im not going to wreck it by:
2.being the first to lose in the "competition" for eating!

does anyone else love the website , its got everything!
another site i love is check it out and see what its about.

p.s ive had people say they cant comment on my blog. its weird because i have it set so people CAN comment on it, is anyone else having problems commenting? if so email me at
because i love to hear peoples opinions about things!


glass-skin said...

Grrr, I hate days where I look fat in everything. It's so.. demeaning, frustrating, hopelessness-inducing, etc. I have a pair of jeans that are 3-4 sizes too big just for those days (and laying around in :D) and I look small in them regardless of how big I really am. And loose t-shirts are helpful too.

Good luck with the competition :) And now I'm off to go check out those websites you mentioned :D

sosic420 said...

gah i agree! but even when im having those days i could put on some sweat pants or even jeans that are to big and its like they make me look even bigger!
super frustrating!

but thanks for the "good luck" haha im probobly going to need it!